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Track Details (Track Details page glossary)
TitleYellow Submarine     [Listen to this track on]
ArtistThe Beatles
VocalsR Authorship  L/M Time  0:02:35 Recorded  06/01/1966 Order in day1
Initally released onCD: Revolver Sessions Disc 3 Release date00/00/0000 Release StatusBootleg
Primary location in my collectionCD: Revolver Sessions Disc 3
Special effects overdub superimposed onto take 5. The backing heard on the tape was recorded on May 26, 1966. Assisting on the effects and party atmosphere were Mal Evans, Brian Jones, Marianne Faithful, Pattie Harrison as well as The Beatles. There were John blowing bubbles in a straw and cranking a propeller then dunking it underwater, coins being spilled, mock Naval orders, a foghorn, swishing in a metal tub of water, a 'whoosh' effect, a marching band bass drum played by Mal, tapping noises, party chatter, John's response shouts (such as 'life of ease'), etc. Track 20 on this CD.

© Mark Lawson (since 2004). All rights reserved.