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Track Details (Track Details page glossary)
Title'Get Off!'    [Listen to this track on]
ArtistThe Beatles
VocalsJP Authorship  L/M/H Time  0:05:58 Recorded  01/09/1969 Order in day92
Initally released onCD: The Get Back Journals Disk 5 Release date01/01/1993 Release StatusBootleg
Primary location in my collectionCD: A/B Road-09th Jan, 1969 (Disc 3)
From the Get Back/Let It Be sessions. On January 9, 1969, during rehearsals, George Harrison began leading the band into a standard 12-bar blues (presumably For You Blue) and when he doesn't sing the lyrics, Paul and John decide to have some more fun and turn the song into a political commentary. Paul begins muttering about 'white power' as a dig to Enoch Powell and then they begin calling out names of some prominent blacks. This turns into a game of just calling out anyone's name who comes to mind, giving a fascinating stream-of-consciousness glimpse into their collective memories. Each name is usually followed by John yelling Get Off! It is similar in feel to the snippet known as Dig It on the Let It Be album which would be recorded later in the month. Estimated release date known to be in 1993. Track 37 on this CD. DDSI 9.92.

© Mark Lawson (since 2004). All rights reserved.