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Track Details (Track Details page glossary)
TitleHello Goodbye (2015 5.1 mix)
ArtistThe Beatles
VocalsP Authorship  L/M Time  0:03:25 Recorded  10/19/1967 Order in day13
Initally released onBRD: One + Release date11/06/2015 Release StatusOfficial
Primary location in my collectionBRD: One +
5.1 stereo surround mix created by Giles Martin and Sam Okell for the Blu-Ray/DVD set One +. This song was first released in the US on the Magical Mystery Tour LP and on a Capitol single released the same day which was Nov. 27, 1967. Rhythm track recorded on Oct. 2, 1967 (14 takes). Take 14 was mixed down into takes 15 and 16 (on Anthology 2). Guitar overdubs, vocals and backing vocals added on this date, a viola overdub on Oct. 20, 1967, a bass overdub on Oct. 25, 1967, and a final overdub on Nov. 2, 1967.

© Mark Lawson (since 2004). All rights reserved.