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Track Details (Track Details page glossary)
TitleNot Guilty    [Listen to this track on]
ArtistThe Beatles
VocalsG Authorship  H Time  0:04:12 Recorded  08/08/1968 Order in day6
Initally released onCD: Unsurpassed Masters Vol. 4 (1968) Release date06/01/1990 Release StatusBootleg
Primary location in my collectionCD: Unsurpassed Masters Vol. 4 (1968)
A complete electric take labeled mono mix RM1. Left off the LP, The Beatles, this was not officially released until George's 1979 solo album called George Harrison. One resource in the liner notes of the bootleg Beatles Artifacts CD Box set list the recording date for this as Aug. 12, 1968 however the liner notes of The Beatles Anthology 3 date the rhythm track at least to August 8. Also on the bootleg CD The Beatles (Original Mono Mix) (Fake) at disk 1 track 18 but minus the count in, and appears as track 18 on disc 2 of the bootleg CD White Album. The same take (different mix) is used for the Anthology 3 version but here it does not have the edits making it nearly a minute longer. Estimated release date known to be in 1990. This track is part of the material included on the 'Peter Sellers Tape' (a tape Ringo Starr gave Peter Sellers of White album sessions).

© Mark Lawson (since 2004). All rights reserved.