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Track Details (Track Details page glossary)
TitleJust Like A Woman (5.1 mix)
ArtistBob Dylan
VocalsBob Dylan Authorship  Dylan Time  0:04:14 Recorded  08/01/1971 Order in day71
Initally released onDVD: The Concert for Bangla Desh (Deluxe Limited Edition) Release date10/25/2005 Release StatusOfficial
Primary location in my collectionDVD: The Concert for Bangla Desh (Deluxe Limited Edition)
5.1 stereo surround mix created for 2005 remastered version of The Concert For Bangla Desh DVD set. George Harrison provides guitar accompaniment. There was an evening and afternoon show.This performance is from the evening show.

© Mark Lawson (since 2004). All rights reserved.